First post 🎉
Here we go! I thought a news section on my website would be a fun little section to keep you updated with happenings around here. The past year hasn’t been very exciting since we’ve all been home staring at walls, but last Saturday was my daughter Willow’s first birthday party EVER. She not one, she’s five, so this was extra exciting. It was the first real thing we’ve done since the beginning of 2020 and it was her first party! She was, of course, thrilled.
I planned it as an outdoor party since we aren’t completely out of the COVID hole yet. I couldn’t think of any outdoor party ideas and then it hit me - A PETTING ZOO! What could be better than a bunch of animals hanging out in our front yard? Not much. She knew she was having a party, but she didn’t know about the petting zoo until they came and started setting up.
Yeah that’s right… they brought an alpaca. I was trying to take a picture with him, but he wasn’t having it. The people finally gave me food to lure him closer. There were goats, chickens, bunnies (lots of bunnies), a tortoise, a pig (!!), a pony and a baby water buffalo!! I was in animal heaven.
The baby water buffalo (Buffy) was only two months old and it napped almost the whole time.
This morning, after that glorious party and a generally nice weekend, our cat stepped in his own poop and managed to get it ALL OVER THE HOUSE. I grabbed him and saw his leg was all poopy and while I wrestled with him to clean it, he wiped it all over me. So I gave him a bath. If you’ve ever given a cat a bath you know how fun it is.
I was inspired by the petting zoo to draw a few pieces:
Well, that’s all for now! Happy Monday my little deer.
💖 Emily